Manna Insect

Manna Insect FARM hub in Feed and Additive

Manna Insect FARM Hub introduced in Feed and Additive

Feed and Additive, the leading international magazine for animal feed and additives industry, introduced Manna Insect’s novel Insect FARM Hub in August 2024.

“Manna Insect has launched a new central hub for all insect farming related information, tools and services, called the Manna Insect FARM Hub. The hub includes Black Soldier Fly farming training materials, webinar recordings, and more.”

We at Manna are super proud of this new tool, that has already helped a significant number of individuals and companies interested in BSF farming, all around the world. The Manna Insect FARM hub was soft launched in spring 2024, and during the past few months we have been adding more video tutorials about insect farming methods, business planning and feasibility studies, farming practices, climatization technology as well as a bunch of other useful content related to everything about BSF farming.

“The FARM Hub includes lots of new content, such as Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farming training materials, webinar recordings, and a full BSF training course, together with a whole new learning center, a BSF business calculator, an insect farm management tool (Manna Insect Farming App), and an AI-assisted BSF knowledge base, and more, all for free.”

Furthermore, there is also a paid premium side in the FARM hub – the premium content includes for example advanced tutorials, a dashboard for our Manna MIND customers and other beneficial tools. And more content and features are been constantly added to the platform – coming soon are such wonderful tools like a marketplace for advertising, selling and buying BSF related products!

To find out what the fuss is all about, join the Manna Insect FARM Hub now!

Read the full news in Feed and Additive magazine: Manna Insect launches insect farming hub

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