Manna Insect

Accelerate your

Unlock the potential of black soldier fly larvae for commercial value

Climate control technology for an effective insect business

Manna Insect’s value lies in our shared expertise and our innovative, locally adaptable environmental control technology for insect farming.

Intelligent software, cloud services, and specialized hardware will ensure maximum efficiency in converting waste into high-protein animal feed and organic fertilizer. This is achieved through fully locally built farming units designed for optimal insect growth and mating.

Manna MIND

Proven technology enables the creation of affordable, controlled environments that maximize yield while minimizing power consumption. The Manna MIND software operates locally with specialized hardware components, continuously sending data to cloud services for analysis and monitoring. It automatically optimizes environmental conditions to ensure insects achieve maximum efficiency.

Insect Farm Hub MIND dashboard 2

Climate control dashboard

Monitoring dashboard

Insect Farm Hub grafana

Insect Farm Hub

Global platform for insect farmers and businesses

Are you looking to become a professional insect farmer or start a business turning waste into valuable products with Black Soldier Fly?

Manna Insect offers a comprehensive digital platform for everyone who want so become a true professional in insect business and have profitable business.

You will learn everything you need —from business strategies and farming processes to the affordable technologies that make efficient and successful local insect farms possible.

Next webinars and Q&A sessions

LIVE: 27.3.2025 @ 12 PM (CET)

Where and whom to sell BSF larvae and frass (Q&A)

LIVE: 10.4.2025 @ 12 PM (CET)

Estimating and dosing 5dol without complex equipment (PRO)

Discover newest webinars

Overview of all processes and tasks on BSF production (FREE)

Developing an optimal growing recipe (PRO)

Customer success stories

Following five years of R&D around black soldier fly and larvae cultivation in challenging climates, and perfecting our innovative Manna MIND unit, Manna Insect is ready for global growth.

Manna MIND climatization technology, black soldier fly farming unit designs and Manna Insect expertise and training have been successfully deployed in more than 30 countries on six continents.

With more than 70 Manna MIND units delivered around the world, Manna Insect is proud to be a leading global provider of insect farming solutions.

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insightful articles

What makes Manna Insect special?

Manna Insect is a pioneer in developing smart and cost-efficient solutions for black soldier fly farming, to efficiently convert organic waste into protein-rich animal feed and organic fertilizer locally anywhere in the world. This approach sets a new standard on how to manage and upcycle organic waste and produce animal feed sustainably. Manna Insect has grown to be one of the world’s leading insect farming solution providers, with customers worldwide.

Open exchange of knowledge

WE openly want to share information to improve the efficiency of BSF business globally for everyone

Tailored solutions

WE offer designs for building optimally sized and fully climate-controlled BSF farming units locally, anywhere

BSF specified software

OUR Manna MIND technology is a programmable and automated system for creating optimal environments

Designed to be built locally

OUR customers are able to use locally available materials, equipment and labor, we only deliver the MIND device

Affordable and energy-saving

OUR technology emphasizes energy efficiency and utilizing low cost materials and equipment

Profitable production

OUR goal is to establish BSF production as a true alternative to soy and fish meal

Get started with the solution you've been looking for!